Gov’t efforts to develop a plan of action for improved Education performance starts in Region 9

(Georgetown, July 7, 2017) – As part of Government’s efforts to strengthen education delivery, a team of Education Officers led by the Chief Education Officer, Mr Marcel Hutson has commenced a one week face to face consultation and monitoring process through visits which began in Region 9, Lethem.

Starting last Monday, the Education Ministry officials comprising Herbert Grandison the head of the Inspectorate Unit, School Inspectors Jennifer Bourne, Nashrulah Khan among others assembled with regional officials such as Regional Education Officer (Ag) Kateri Joseph, and the District Educational Officers in Region 9 along with the Regional Chairman.

“Our objective was to give feedback to the Region regarding its general performance in education delivery and also to help them develop a plan of action for improved performance”, Hutson said. We opted to start the process by reaching out to this region first because we believe that they can do better by far.

Areas addressed included administration, curriculum, supervision, physical facilities, attendance and punctuality of teachers and students and such likes. “This region did not do so well as others at the NGSA and as an immediate step we have intervened to raise their moral and actual output,” the CEO posited.

The interactions were held at the Amerindian Hostel in Region Nine, Lethem even as the community is battling some natural conditions that have created discomfort. The Brazilian river Rio Bronco has overflowed its banks and has caused flooding in that region.

These interfaces will continue over time but this first set of meetings will conclude on Friday. “Those that we consulted with are now tasked with addressing the many issues identified that will ultimately lead to the improved delivery of education performance in the region,” Hutson said. The team’s focus is on Regions 1, 7 and 8 which are all hinterland regions.


(By Mondale Smith and Tekia Hanover)