Health Ministers knuckles down to business – with visits to Region 2 health facilities
Ministry of Public Health, (January 19, 2017) – Minister of Public Health, Hon. Volda Lawrence on Sunday made an impromptu visit to the Suddie Regional Hospital, Charity Hospital, the Dart Mouth and the Good Hope Supenaam Health Centres. The Minister was accompanied by Minister within the Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Karen Cummings and Mr. Rupert Hopkinson-Regional Executive Officer, Region 2. The staff members at the different health facilities were surprised at the Minister’s visit but were happy to interact and voice their concerns.
The Ministers’visit was primarily for the purpose of gaining an insight into the overall functioning of the hospitals and health centres and the standard of services provided at these institutions. The Ministers and their team toured the health facilities and observed many glitches in the system which are preventing the staff from functioning and operating at their fullest potential.
The staff at the Charity Hospital highlighted the need for urgent repairs to be done to the electrical room and for a larger water pump to adequately pump water from the reservoir to the tanks at the institution. Expansion works to the building were visible, and the visiting team was informed that the area has been earmarked for the Accident and Emergency Unit. During the discussions, a recommendation was made for the kitchen area to be relocated for reasons of proper sanitation and space for the preparation of meals for patients at the hospital. Some concerns over staff rotation were expressed and it was suggested that a shift system be put in place to improve the quality of care given at the Institution. Prior to the team’s departure from the Hospital, Minister Lawrence interacted with patients who were grateful for her visit to the hospital and moreso the region.
At the Health Centres and the Suddie Hospital, several issues were raised foremost among which were the maintenance of the environment and the supply and distribution of drugs. Minister Lawrence emphasized the need for the Regional Executive Officer to make on the spot visits so that he could be informed of the problems at each facility. The Minster stressed that this would allow for the prompt intervention of the regional authorities and for ensuring that operational standards are met. Further, the Minister reiterated that proper management of the public health facilities was necessary in order to meet the needs of our doctors, nurses, other medical practitioners and moreso the needs of our people.
Minster Lawrence said that she was prepared to work with the Management of the Health facilities to alleviate problems which would allow Guyanese to benefit from the best health care services twenty – four seven.
Mr. Hopkinson, prior to the conclusion of the Ministerial visit, assured the team that a new generator and air condition units will be installed in the much needed sections of the Suddie Hospital before the ending of January.
Dr. Sonia Grey-Medial the Superintendent, Doctors and Nurses of the Suddie Regional Hospital, expressed gratitude to Minister Lawrence and team for the impromptu visit.