Ministry’s outreach a form of open gov’t-Minister Trotman
GINA, GUYANA, Thursday, April 13, 2017
The Ministry of Natural Resources is expected to conduct some 60 outreaches for the remainder of the year as part of its national sensitisation programme.

Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman making his presentation to the Regional Toshaos Conference in Lethem, Region Nine
Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman told the media in Lethem, Region Nine on Wednesday that 10 outreaches have been successfully completed to date.
“The people are responding well, we’ve been receiving requests from various communities to come to meet with them,” Minister Trotman said.
The Minister more recently had conducted outreaches in Kwakwani and Ituni with Lethem being the latest. “We’re trying to cover every region and about as many communities as we can over the course of this year,” the Minister pointed out.
With the aid of PowerPoint presentations, the Minister has been providing updates on the natural resources industry’s achievements from the last year and the plans for the country’s natural resources during 2017 and beyond.

Conducting the outreach with residents of Lethem
“This is really a form of open government where we bring information to people so that they know what is happening,” Minister Trotman said. The Ministry of Natural Resources has oversight responsibility for the minerals, forest and more recently the oil and gas sectors.
The Minister also provides an enabling environment for the communities to share their concerns on ‘local politics’. “Many are not pertinent to the Ministry of Natural Resources but I am a Minister of the Government and of Cabinet and so it is my duty to represent government wherever I am,” Minister Trotman said.
By: Tiffny Rhodius