Over 20,000 Persons to Benefit from Two New Wells in Region 3

Two new wells are slated to be drilled in Region Three during the last quarter of 2021, benefitting over 20,000 residents.

Minister of Housing and Water, Honourable Collin Croal and Chief Executive Officer of Guyana Water Inc., Mr. Shaik Baksh; along with technical officials visited the proposed well sites on Tuesday, April 13 and met with residents who will benefit.

(from left to right) Mr. Jawaharlall Ramjug – GWI Operations Director (ag), Mr. Aggrey Anderson – GWI Region 3 Manager, Mr. Shaik Baksh – GWI CEO, Hon. Collin Croal – Minister of Housing & Water, Mr. Carlos Rodrigues – GWI Head of Field Services (ag) & Mr. Nicholas Dawalat – GWI Region 3 Revenue Manager

One of the wells will be drilled in Lust-en-Rust, Parfaite Harmonie; West Bank Demerara to serve Lust-en-Rust, Recht door Zee and Onderneeming – a total of approximately 12,720 residents.

According to Minister Croal, the realization of this well will see the beneficiaries receiving an improved level of water service. He told residents that his Ministry is committed to development of the community, hence a water treatment plant will be constructed in the near future to accompany the well on the 5 acres of land was allotted for its construction.

Minister Croal & Mr. Baksh Baksh meet with residents of Parika Backdam and surrounding areas.

Mr. Baksh added that the well will be drilled to a depth of 700 feet, at a cost of GY$115M. He explained that the project is currently in the procurement phase with a projected completion timeline of August, 2021.

In the meantime, GWI has committed to conduct regular flushing of the network so as to address the high iron content in the water.

Parika Backdam has been identified for the drilling of the second well and this is expected to provide first-time access to potable water for close to 8000 persons. These include Parika Backdam, Naamryck Backdam, Ruby Backdam, Barnes  Avenue and Kenn Dam; West Coast Demerara. 

The Minister told residents that GWI will be consulting with the Neighbourhood Democratic Council to determine if the site proposed for drilling is the most suitable. He said this is expected to be concluded within a matter of two weeks.

Residents of Parika Backdam and surrounding areas

GWI’s CEO pointed out that this well is expected to be completed by September, 2021. Through funding from the Government of Guyana, it is being drilled to the tune of approximately GYD$80M, with a depth of 300 to 700 feet.

Minister Croal assured the community members that the funds for the execution of these projects have already been budgeted, while noting they form part of community development works being undertaken by his Ministry.