“The Journey to the Good Life Continues”-  Min. Jordan

DPI, GUYANA, Monday, November 27, 2017

Minister of Finance Winston Jordan says that the Coalition government remains true to the course of “building a better, more inclusive and unified society” as he delivered Budget 2018 to the National Assembly under the theme, “The Journey to the Good Life Continues.”

Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan.

An atmosphere of expectation enveloped the National Assembly today, as the Finance Minister made his way into the Chamber, to present what could be the largest National Budget since the government took office some two years ago.

Accompanied by Finance Secretary, Dr. Hector Butts and other support staff, the Finance Minister entered the National Assembly to a packed chamber of expectant Members of Parliament (MP’s) and other special invitees.

Presenting his fourth National Financial Plan since the Coalition government took office back in May 2015, the Minister noted that the Government’s three previous budgets, set the stage for an economy that produces higher national incomes, which in turn, would help to lift families out of absolute poverty and closer to enjoying the Good Life. However, he observed there has been several setbacks and roadblocks that have impeded greater progress.

“From being confronted with a bankrupt Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) and the sudden termination of the previous market price for rice to difficulties with our western neighbors over the border and the non-cooperative stance of the main opposition party, the administration has had to deal with more than its fair share of problems,” the Minister explained.

Rather than being daunted by or becoming frustrated with these obstacles, the government has stayed the course keeping the goal of building a better and more inclusive society in its sight, Minister Jordan said.

Reflecting on the works still to be done, the Finance Minister told the Assembly that the 2018 Budget is the “Government rising to the challenges” of restoring hope, inspiring confidence and shaping a new destiny for the country and the people.

Budget 2018 comes in the middle of the Coalition government’s first term in office.


By: Tiffny Rhodius and Alexis Rodney