MOPI clarifies removal of some Reg. 3 street lights

-says they were near a 13.8kV express feeder

DPI, Guyana, Monday, July 13, 2020

The Ministry of Public Infrastructure (MoPI) has clarified that the removal of several of metallic poles bearing street lights between La Grange and Pouderoyen on the West Bank of Demerara is to ensure safety.

In a press statement on Monday, MoPI noted that ā€œContractors are currently removing all metallic poles close to all Guyana Power and Light Incorporated 13.8kV express feeders due to the risks this poses to the maintenance crews.ā€

The works are being conducted by Skytec Enterprise International Incorporated., Thomas Electrical, Construction and Manufacturing and JJ Electrical Contracting Service.

While work is expected to be finalised in 10 days, the Public Infrastructure Ministry noted the agreement will see the contractors ā€œre-establish highway lighting networks using GPLā€™s wooden lantern poles.ā€

Mondayā€™s statement was prompted by a series of videos from some residents in the affected communities that sought cast aspersions on MoPIā€™s Electrical Department.