Recount unearthed irregularities – PM Nagamootoo
DPI, Guyana, Saturday, June 27, 2020
During an appearance on Jamaica’s Power 106 FM, Prime Minister (PM), the Hon. Moses Nagamootoo zeroed in on Guyana’s current elections, noting that the issues began when the Opposition put up a fierce fight to halt the house to house registration process.
He relayed that it was because of this the issues of voter impersonations, missing statutory documents, persons outside of the jurisdiction voting, among many other irregularities, were later unearthed during the recount of the ballots cast at the March 2 elections.

Prime Minister, the Hon. Moses Nagamootoo
Additionally, PM Nagamootoo reminded of the several interruptions including court procedures, among other unnecessary occurrences, have impacted the 4-stage recount exercise.
The Guyana Court of Appeal on Monday in a 2-1 vote ruled that it has jurisdiction to hear the private citizen Eslyn David vs Guyana Election Commission (GECOM) case.
David through her Attorney Mayo Robinson had challenged the commission’s decision to move ahead with a declaration of a president based on a fraudulent count of votes from the gazetted National Vote Recount of May 4 and 29, 2020.
On Tuesday, the Court of Appeal ruled that “more votes are cast” means “more valid votes are cast” in keeping with the Recount Order.
Following a 3-day Stay granted by the said Court, the PPP had proceeded to appeal the final decision ─ a move which subsequently blocked GECOM from declaring a winner from the March 2 General and Regional Elections.
Prime Minister Nagamootoo said the CCJ now has to deal with a very narrow matter – whether they have jurisdiction to hear the appeal by the opposition.
Asked whether the government will accept the outcome of the Court’s decision, PM Nagamootoo responded, “We have said from the very outset that we are committed to a constitutional outset, where ever that leads we are prepared to accept the outcome.”