14 roads valued $250M commissioned on West Coast
– Min Edghill says Govt ‘doing what we said we will do’
Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill, MP, on Saturday commissioned several roads on the West Coast Demerara, Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara) bringing great relief to the residents there.
Over $250 million has been spent on 14 roads in Uitvlugt, Tuschen, Zeelugt, Hydronie and Parika.
Addressing residents of the five communities, Minister Edghill said: “our number one priority is taking care of people, improving their lives and their livelihoods. We did what you ask for, a promise fulfilled, and it’s time for you to take over and run it.
“The President Irfaan Ali-led Administration is not just talking, but we are doing what we said we will do.”

Minister Edghill emphasised that the Government is fulfilling a promise made to Guyanese, while on the 2020 hustings.
He noted that every part of Guyana would be developed.
“We are one family, the Guyanese family. We’ve got one Guyana to build.
“Those of you that go to the koker know when the tide comes in, all of the boats does rise up. When the tide of prosperity comes to Guyana, it will benefit all of the people of Guyana. So, I want us to work together.”
Minister Edghill also urged the residents to maintain the infrastructure given to the communities. He advised them not to allow drivers of heavy-duty vehicles to traverse the community roadways as they cannot withstand those weights.

The Minister also said the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) and Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDCs) must take the lead in establishing a road maintenance programme.
Meanwhile, residents of the five areas told DPI that they are pleased with the road works.
At Uitvlugt Pasture, where five roads were repaired, Mr. Hasrat Mohamed, a resident of over four decades said, “we appreciate your dedication and response to our complaints to enhance our community. We must be thankful for your endeavour.
“We will ensure that it’s keep up to the standards that require. The quality of work that have been done, you can see it, everyone can see it. We’re thankful for the work done.”
Tuschen resident, Mr. Eion Beaton, said since the completion of the three roads, travel has become easier and faster.
“We the residents of Tuschen Housing Scheme would like to thank the Government of Guyana for building and repairing the roads.
“It has made the journey for me more easier for me in vehicles. I trust that the Government of Guyana continue to build more roads in the community.”

Ms. Haywattie Narain of Hydronie expressed similar sentiments.
“I would like to say thank you to the Government of Guyana and all stakeholders. Thank you on behalf of all the residents of Hydronie.”

In addition, Ms. Simone Brown of Parika said: “On behalf of the residents of Charles Street, Parika, I would like to say thank you to the Government and the Ministers and all those who made it possible for us to have this brand-new road. It’s okay for us to drive on with no problem.”
Two roads have been reconstructed in Parika.
Through the Ministry of Public Works, some $993 million is being spent on the road network in the Tuschen-Uitvlugt NDC.