$151M Moleson Creek to El Dorado Road 55 per cent complete

The Moleson Creek to El Dorado farm- to -market road in Region Six is 55 per cent complete and is on track to meet its early April deadline. Construction of the 1.6-kilometre fair-weather road began in October 2021 by Shaffeeullah Sawmills.

Citrus fruits and cash crop and provision farmer Ryan Persaud, is one of many agriculturalists who will benefit from the upgrade of the $151 million road.

Minister of Public Works Bishop Juan Edghill inspecting works on the Moleson Creek to El Dorado farm to market road

The road upgrade is moving apace and will make life better for scores of farmers. Persaud expressed his gratitude during a site visit by Public Works Minister, Bishop Juan Edghill on Saturday.

He said travelling back and forth was uncomfortable especially during the rainy season. Persaud pointed out that it was also difficult for tractors to traverse the route.

Ryan Persaud

“We have been suffering all the time. Without this road, we lose all our crops because we do not have access to go out and we feel happy for this road. I must thank the President and the minister and the contractor who is doing an excellent job,” he detailed.

Chairperson of the Crabwood Creek Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) Valmiki Dilchand expressed similar sentiments. He said, “It is really pleasing to know that this road is here. All the residents in Moleson Creek were suffering very badly. They have to use boats and tractors to take out their produce and this road will help them a lot.”

Vehicles using the Moleson Creek to El Dorado farm to market road

Dilchand said he believes Moleson Creek is the bread-basket of Guyana and that the road will vastly increase production. “There are thousands of acres of rice, cash crops along with cane farming and cattle farming in the Moleson area, and this will boost the residents a lot,” he stated.

Minister Edghill said he was pleased with what he witnessed, taking into consideration what he experienced when he visited the area in 2021.

“I am satisfied with what I saw. The last time I was in that road, I went on a tractor and the tractor stuck and another tractor had to come and pull it out. Today I drove with my vehicle,” he stated.

Works so far on the Moleson Creek to El Dorado farm to market road

However, the road goes far beyond just improving accessibility for farmers. Upon completion, it will culminate at the abutment where the Corentyne River Bridge will land.

In addition, Minister Edghill said “it opens farm lands, but it is also the same road that will eventually take you down to Orealla. We are building the road, Orealla to Kwakwani, but the Orealla people have also been asking for the road to Corentyne. So, in our network we are not just doing roads for one thing.”

The road is also expected to increase access to quarries in Orealla, creating jobs for many.