Airports closure to intl. flights extended to May 1, 2020
DPI, Guyana, Tuesday, March 31, 2020
The Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) and the Eugene Correia International Airport (ECIA) will remain closed to international flights until May 1, 2020. This decision was taken in an effort to reduce the transmission of COVID-19.
Announced through the Ministry of Public Infrastructure’s social media platforms, the call to extend the closure of the airports was based on a request made by the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA).

Cheddi Jagan International Airport
In a letter to subject Minister Hon. David Patterson, the aviation regulatory body stated that the original 2-week period (March 19- April 1 2020) was “very effective and assisted tremendously with slowing the spread of COVID-19 by limiting international contacts.”
Noting that the number of COVID-cases both globally and regionally have risen particularly in countries that have ports of origin for passengers to Guyana.
“With our initial fourteen days about to expire and with the lessons learnt together with the prevailing regional and global situation, I hereby propose that the directive be extended for thirty (30) days after its expiration, until May 1st 2020,” the letter stated.
On March 19, the airports were officially closed to international flights, while domestic flights have proceeded.
The Government approved humanitarian flights to allow citizens desirous of returning to Guyana as well as facilitated the exit of nationals of countries such as Cuba and the United States of America.
Outgoing cargo flights, medivacs and technical stops for aircraft that require fuel have also received approvals by the GCAA.
As of Tuesday, March 31, 2020, Guyana has recorded 12 cases of COVID-19 and 2 deaths.