CSOs assisting with development in Amerindian communities

The Community Support Officers (CSOs) which were reinstated by the government in 2020 are helping to cushion the heavy workload in Amerindian communities.

This was expressed by several Toshaos and Chairpersons of various Indigenous Community District Councils (CDC) during the five-day National Toshaos Council (NTC) Conference.

CDC Chair of Wauna, Region One, Ammon Thom

Toshao of Akawini, Region Two Rudolph Wilson said the CSOs are going above and beyond.

“For my village, we got 12 CSOs and I could tell you they are doing well. They are going to the length and breadth of my community to perform census work,” he said.

Wilson added that the CSOs are even working to professionally establish themselves in the community health centres through programmes that are provided by the government.

Another Toshao, James Davis from Tiger Pond, Region Nine was lucky to get a total of 15 CSOs. He also applauded the CSOs whom he described as ‘hard workers’.

“We have CSOs in the different sectors such as the education sector, health sector, infrastructure, and GWI etc…They are a real help to the village council…because they have taken off some burdens from my hands,” Davis said emphatically.  

Meanwhile, the CDC Chair of Wauna, Region One Ammon Thom stated that the CSO’s are showing good leadership in the communities.

He added that they are able to take on tasks that have been assigned to them.

“So, the CSO programme, for me, is a very good programme because it cushions some of the areas in my village,” the young chairman said.

CDC Chair of Barabina, Region One, Roxanne Skeeke

Similar sentiments were also shared by Roxanne Skeeke, another CDC Chairperson, from the village of Barabina, Region One.

“They are working hand-in-hand with the council. Where and when we have projects, they are placed there to assist,” Skeeke pointed out.

Further, the Toshaos and Chairpersons expressed much gratitude to the government for dispatching the CSOs to the various Amerindian villages as they noted that these persons are major contributors to development in the Indigenous communities.