Gov’t calls out opposition for abdicating responsibilities as elected leaders

following walk-out of National Assembly

Government has called out APNU+AFC for failing to fulfil its responsibilities as elected officials after members walked out of the National Assembly on Monday, with critical bills yet to be debated.

Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance Gail Teixeira, during a joint press conference, on the sidelines of the 50th sitting of the National Assembly, said the opposition had again failed its constituencies by failing to participate in law making to the betterment of the society. 

Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira

She emphasised that parliamentarians have an important role in decision making in the National Assembly.

A number of  bills including the Constitution Reform Bill, Suicide Bill, Bail Bill and Restorative Justice Bill were on the National Assembly’s agenda.

“He (Opposition Leader, Aubrey Norton) is abdicating his responsibility as the leader of the opposition when we have bills here, Constitutional Reform which is an important one, which will allow the opposition parties and the government to have equal numbers,” the parliamentary affairs minister expressed.

The minister expressed the view that the mantra displayed by the opposition at Monday’s sitting was an attempt to distract citizens from the ongoing Commission of Inquiry (COI) into the events surrounding the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections.

“The APNU+AFC cannot hide from the role they played during the March 2, 2020 elections  in attempting to thwart the will of the people, the  electorate over and over again for the five months.”

She also told media operatives that the actions of the APNU+AFC are indicative of the party  becoming irrelevant.

“Their behaviour today once again reinforces the APNU+AFC coalition is becoming more and more irrelevant, it is at its lowest tide as opposition and that it has nothing to contribute.”

Meanwhile, Public Works Minister Bishop Juan Edghill lambasted the opposition for leaving the National Assembly and laying the blame on government’s refusal to discuss the high cost of living.

“You walked out because you are intellectually lazy and you are politically immature. You should have been standing in Parliament to say what else can be done to improve,” Minister Edghill stated.