Minister Henry engages Nappi Residents
– Donates agricultural items to villagers
Ministry of Education, Press Release – February 16, 2019
Dr. the Hon. Nicolette Henry on Government’s behalf donated a water pump and hose, farming tools, sporting gears and footwear today as part of efforts to improve life for villagers in Nappi, Region Nine.
Receiving the items at the the Nappi Primary school were Deputy Toshao, Mr. Sylvester Fredericks and Mr. Walter Enrico. “The pump will help our community greatly as well as farmers to irrigate their farm lands and the agricultural tools will be very useful but the sports gears will greatly help our youths to be gainfully occupied in outdoor sports,” said Mr. Fredericks.
The donation was made after Minister Henry engaged residents of Nappi and listened to their concerns with a view of Government addressing same in the long and short term. Minister Henry’s visit is part of a massive exercise being undertaken by the Ministers of Government over the weekend to engage the residents of Region Nine.
She advised that teachers’ training is not done overnight but through a process.
The villagers were informed that there is an ongoing process of teachers upgrading in all regions even as efforts are ongoing to train teachers from all communities. Addressing the matter of teachers not being paid debunching, Minister Henry advised that she is aware that same has been addressed at the National level by her ministry and will also find out why teachers were not paid from the village and will work to expedite the process for payments to be made soonest.
Speaking about modernising education, the Education Minister said that Guyana is quickly moving in the age of Information and robotics and the village will not be left out. As part of the process those gathered were informed that Region Nine now has a Smart Classroom, that was commissioned yesterday.

Additionally, they were informed that two new schools were commissioned in the region yesterday. Addressing the many issues relating to and affecting children nationally, the Minister informed residents that efforts are ongoing and the region will not be left out.
She said, “We have commissioned one mobile clinic and two more are to be commissioned soon. Where the terrain is not conducive to having the psychosocial mobile unit areas will be visited by psychosocial and welfare teams.”
Minister Henry promised to advocate for the tiling of the school in Nappi to treat with the current dust situation that affects students. Commending the village for their plans to prepare students to sit the 2021 CSEC examinations, Minister Henry advised that she will have her officers provide the necessary resources to achieve better outcomes at grade six as well as at the CSEC level.
Meanwhile, the villagers were advised that there has been an increase in passes recorded nationally and that work will continue by the officers of the Ministry of Education lead by the Chief Education Officer to ensure upward progression.
On the issue of Protected Areas which was raised by some residents, Minister Henry committed to highlighting the issue with Vice-President and Minister of Indigenous People’s Affairs Hon. Sydney Allicock. She said, “I will impress upon him the need to visit you with a view to addressing your situation”.
Further, the proper installation of computers at the community level will also be addressed. Another issue raised by the residents was the Farm to Market road for the farmers who sometimes have to walk in knee high slush mud to get their produce to their customers.
Minister Henry undertook to address same with the relevant Ministers and have them respond with solution and timelines.
The matter of a much needed bridge was also addressed. Minister Henry advised that while central government will do all in its power to remedy situations for the resident’s comfort, the community must, “hold your council responsible and ensure that they do that which they have been put in office to do”. Minister Henry assured the residents that she will be advising local officers to visit the village more often with a view to addressing issues at that level.
Meanwhile, Curriculum Reform is being undertaken by government which will address decisions as to the queries of rotating teachers based on the advice of the experts. On the matter of water supply to the village Minister Henry advised that she will enquire from the Guyana Water Inc. on the way forward at the earliest possible time.
Moreover, the minister noted too that extra-curricular activities are important to having balanced children and advised parents that she will speak to the Minister that has responsibility for sports about improving the lighting at venues.
Residents in commending the Minister for visiting asked that the dialogue and communication should be continuous which Minister Henry has committed to via the Regional Officials and by Ministers of Government.