Three years on!

AG Chambers hosts Christmas party for Ptolemy Reid Rehabilitation Centre

−Min. Williams reiterates gov’t’s plan for rehabilitation services

DPI, Guyana, Friday, December 13, 2019

The Attorney General Chambers for the last three years has been bringing the joy of Christmas joy to the Ptolemy Reid Rehabilitation Centre (PRRC) and this year was no different.

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Hon. Basil Williams SC and his staff entertained the students, patients and other persons with disabilities with Christmas carolling, poetry recitation and the distribution of gifts.

AG Williams also disclosed that there are plans to improve rehabilitation services, particularly for those who utilise the PRRC.

“At this time things look very much brighter for you because … we will ensure that with the newfound wealth we will be receiving from the production of oil, money is invested in the services provided by the Ptolemy Reid Rehabilitation Centre.”

He mentioned the construction of a brand-new rehab centre and a facility that caters for all levels of physiotherapy as being on the drawing board.

The staff of the PRRC and others on attendance welcomed the news and opined that it will mean an improved level of service delivery.