Traditional medicine to treat COVID-19 should undergo clinical trials
− PAHO/WHO rep.

Pan American Health Organisation/World Health Organisation (PAHO/WHO) Representative to Guyana, Dr. William Adu-Krow has advised that persons using traditional medicines to treat COVID-19 symptoms should come forward and have their product undergo clinical trials.
Recently several persons in Guyana attributed their recovery from COVID-19 to the use of traditional remedies; Dr. Adu-Krow noted that if they believe these treatments are effective cures for COVID-19 then, they must be involved in clinical trials before recommending it to anyone else.
“I say that because most of these herbal medicines, we cannot tell you how often you should take it, some may say take a cupful, take as much as you can drink. No, it can’t be like that, it has to be dose-related, there has to be a regimen which says it must be taken three times a day, if it is taken every eight hours if it is boosted in the blood or the target organs,” Dr. Adu-Krow explained.
In this regard, he noted that much needs to be done in terms of research. “we cannot say that they are not good but they need to be proven to be good and not to be injurious.”
Meanwhile, WHO has already pre-approved medicines being used in health systems throughout the world.