Cane Grove/Strathavon residents benefit from Eye Screening, Spectacle Vouchers

Residents of Cane Grove and Strathavon on Saturday benefitted from eye screening as the Ministry of Health took the Eye Screening and Spectacle Voucher Programme to the community.

The programme which was recently launched, targets persons 18 and under and those above 65. It provides a $2000 voucher to conduct eye screening and $15,000 for spectacles if they need it.

Minister of Health Dr Frank Anthony, while speaking with the Department of Public Information (DPI), stated that because the health centre is not equipped to conduct eye screening, two approved vendors were taken to the community to conduct eye testing and provide a prescription for those who need it.

“So far, we have had about 70 persons who have had their eyes tested.  We have had maybe about 40 persons who would be getting their spectacles. So, I think it has been a very successful day so far. We are seeing a lot of older persons coming out to get their eyes tested and most of them require spectacles. So, I think it’s a helpful thing for the community,” Dr Anthony stated. 

He noted that the general response to the programme has been fairly good, especially in and around Georgetown. However, similar outreach activities will be done throughout the country.

“That’s why we are working with the companies that are doing the eye testing and doing the glasses. We are partnering with them and going out to the different regions to make sure that people can benefit from the service. We don’t want them to stay in Georgetown and then it’s harder for people to travel to come to Georgetown to get that done. Instead, we are getting them to go out in the different regions and make sure that the testing is done,” minister Anthony stated.

Meanwhile, several of the beneficiaries also voiced their appreciation for the programme.

“It’s good it’s very helpful to the community and its helpful to me,” said 14 year old, Arianna Thomas.

Bhagwandin Ransarran, another beneficiary said, “I feel this initiative by the ministry of health, in general the government has been doing quite a good job and this eye clinic and the assistance issuing vouchers would assist us greatly in this area especially the elderly and the children”.

Chandrowtee Ramnarain, another beneficiary, is also pleased with the initiative.

“It’s beneficial to everybody because it eases the transportation travelling and parents have to go with their children to the doctor and I think that everybody is happy and pleased to have this service in each community,” she said.

Similar activities will be held throughout the country in hope that by the end of the year, all of the eligible beneficiaries will have their eyes tested.