Govt adopts “no nonsense” stance on contract management – President Ali

says an independent team will be established to manage project files

The government will be adopting a ‘no-nonsense’ approach relating to contract management to ensure that all ongoing projects that are part of Guyana’s transformational agenda are up to standard and finished on time.

President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali Wednesday announced the establishment of an independent team tasked with rigorously overseeing all project files.

President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali along with other officials at the construction site of the Ogle to Eccles Four-Lane connector Highway

The head of state met with several project managers and engineers from the Ministries of Public Works and Housing and Water along with other stakeholders to register his government’s assertive approach towards infrastructural contracts, at State House in Georgetown.

“As project engineers and managers, we have to ensure that the files are updated, the minutes are recorded and signed…Because as we take action, we have to get our paper trail and work intact,” President Ali emphasised.

During the morning discourse, President Ali pointed out that the Attorney General’s (AG) office has already been directed to have a specialised unit to deal with contracts and project management.

The team will be conducting visits to various ministries to ensure adherence to the terms, conditions, and obligations outlined by all parties in all agreements.

President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali along with other officials at the construction site of the Ogle to Eccles Four-Lane connector Highway

President Ali also disclosed that the Ministry of Legal Affairs is working on developing a new standard to ensure contract compliance with project implementation.

The administration is key on ensuring that persons honour their contractual responsibilities by meeting deadlines, delivering agreed-upon goods or services, and following other stipulations laid out in the contract.

“This year, we are going to give incentives to project managers…Performance is not just finishing the projects. It is about finishing the projects on time and managing your projects…We have enough technology to help you manage your project files,” President Ali stated.

President Ali underscored that any projects surpassing their contracted timelines will face strict consequences.

Meanwhile, Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh is mandated to conduct a monthly project meeting with the engineers and managers to be up to date with the status of works.

Ogle to Eccles Four-Lane connector Highway

The president was joined by Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mohabir Anil Nandlall SC, Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill, Minister Singh and other officials. 

A host of infrastructural projects are ongoing nationwide and among those is the Diamond to Buzz Bee Dam four-lane highway.

This project is divided into 12 lots and will see the construction of over 30 reinforced concrete bridges, 4.6 kilometres of reinforced concrete highway pavement, and two roundabouts for improved traffic management.

Only last month, President Ali inspected ongoing works on the Ogle to Eccles four-lane connector highway, which is expected to finish in November.

When completed, this road will serve as a crucial connection between the East Coast and the East Bank of Demerara in reducing traffic congestion.