GPL’s planned maintenance in Region Three ensures network sustainability
The Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Incorporated has completed several aspects of its planned maintenance programme in Region Three as part of its programme to ensure the sustainability of the country’s electricity grid.
Maintenance works were done on transmission lines between Edinburgh and Parika on Saturday and GPL’s Divisional Director of Operations, Mr. Bharrat Harjohn provided an overview of the project.

“It’s to keep our network in a healthy state so that we won’t have these kinds of unplanned outages. So, if you have some heavy winds or rain coming in, you get outages. We want to move away from that and to do that is to ensure your network is in good shape. So, that is why you will find us changing out all of the defective structure, all the defective insulators and cross arms,” Mr. Harjohn said.
The exercise followed inspections of the transmission network to identify locations where faults may exist. Drones are typically used to execute these works.
The Operations Director explained that the company is moving towards setting up additional feeders in the system to establish ring circuits. These will provide an alternative power source during planned maintenance so that residents located downstream from the maintenance works are not affected by outages.
Two additional feeders will be installed from Sophia to Good Hope, then from Good Hope to Enmore. Additional feeders were installed between Edinburgh and Parika at the end of last year.
Currently, the majority of the network comprises radial circuits that affect a wide cross-section of residents during planned system shutdowns for maintenance works.

Concerning safety, Divisional Director for Quality, Safety, Environmental Management and Operations Support, Mr. Gary Hall, said all systems were in place to safeguard the maintenance crew.
“The safety measures that we have put in place to ensure safe world practices are being fully complied with. All line, earth and other safety measures to ensure de-energising of circuits have all been done,” he said.
To safeguard the crew for future operations, Mr. Hall added he invited his staff to witness the operations so that they can make recommendations.
Saturday’s exercise was completed within a four-hour period and without any major hiccups.
Similar works are planned for the remainder of the year as GPL extends its network to meet the needs of existing and emerging neighbourhoods.