More $$$ for community infrastructure this year
Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Nigel Dharamall, M.P, said that the 2022 National Budget provides large sums of money for community infrastructure development.
The Minister, was at the time, defending the 2022 National Budget at the National Assembly, on Friday.

He stated that, “we are putting $5 billion to community infrastructure through its Community Infrastructure Improvement Project (CIIP). We are putting $714 million to provide greater support to our local democratic organs all across our country, something that the last government never did.”
He stressed that Region Four residents will see significant infrastructure transformation within their respective communities as the government has earmarked an increase of almost $1Billion to its budget to do so.
“This year, the budget of Region Four is the biggest ever, even when they were in government as it is almost a billion dollars more.”
Minister Dharamlall stated that there is much to do to convert every community, in both coastland and hinterland regions to provide residents equitable goods and services.
Minister Dharamlall also recommitted the PPP/C Administration’s dedication to cleaning up this country to restore it to its former glory.
He told the House that while this initiative began in January, spearheaded by His Excellency Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali in his effort to create a ‘One Guyana’, Opposition members have been discouraging residents from doing so.
Such action, he believes will do more harm than good for the country and its people, as government advances its development.
“Unfortunately, the Mayor of Georgetown and the leader of the PNC does not want, they do not want them to clean up Guyana. I can report that the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Linden, came out in support. Every single area of our country we are cleaning and we are going to put more money to transform this country.”
The vision outlined by the PPP/C Government for development does not simply mean spending money, but creating job opportunities in every sector, according to the Local Government Minister.
He said that, “we (government) have a lot of investments to make thousands of people to be employed. As a matter of fact, within our sector alone in the last 18 months we have had over 7000 persons employed and this year we are going to employ more people. We are going to have some shrewd investment in Region Two to employ hundreds of young people.”
The government also allocated an additional $666.8 million towards the City Hall restoration project.
In support of the budget, the Minister lamented that, “we are here to represent the ambition of the people of this country. We are not here to hold back and deny people opportunities, more money is going to be spent. More people are going to make money. There will be more money in the pockets of the poor people of this country.
This year’s budget is presented under the theme, ‘Steadfast against all challenges, Resolute in building our One Guyana.’