Part-time workers commend programme, happy to be giving back to Region Three

With major development taking place countrywide, residents of Region Three who are employed through the government’s part-time jobs initiative are majorly impacting the region.

While most of the employees were placed at government agencies and offices within the region, several persons were also attached to the beautification projects on the East Bank of Essequibo.

Speaking with the Department of Public Information (DPI) on Sunday, the part-time employees stated that the initiative has allowed them to enhance the aesthetic appeal of their villages while improving the quality of life of residents.

One of the employees, Melisha Persaud expressed her gratitude for the job.

“I am thankful for the part-time job; it allows me to support my family while contributing to the development of my community,” Persaud told DPI.

Another worker, Fabian Wilson stated, “We are in the rainy season but the place is not flooding anymore because the drains are cleaned.”

A part-time employee at work

Wilson is also working on the beautification project and believes with such a pleasant environment being created, the overall health and well-being of the community will vastly improve, especially for the children.

Meanwhile, another part-time worker, Latesha Carew, explained that the work is not demanding, so she can still spend quality time with her children, at the same safe spaces that she has helped to create.

Part-time employees at work

Mother of three, Mary Perry expressed her gratitude for being a part of the beautification team, since it keeps her occupied while her children are at school and enables her to provide the basic needs of her family.

The part-time jobs initiative, which was launched in several regions by Vice President, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo has been a significant boost to employment opportunities in several regions.

The innovative programme allows individuals to work for 10 days per month and earn a commendable sum of $40,000. The initiative has garnered widespread recognition for the numerous benefits it brings to both individuals and the overall economy.