November 30, 2018

The Public Procurement Commission (PPC), in keeping with its responsibility under the Procurement Act Cap. 73:05 for the adjudicating of Suspension and Debarment proceedings, held its sixth and final consultations with Regional Executive Officers (REOs) from the ten Administrative Regions on November 22, 2018. The technical staff involved in procurement within the Regional Democratic Councils also attended the session.

A panel, including the Chairperson and Commissioners, facilitated the consultation where the participants were reminded that no action has been taken over the years to formally debar errant contractors or suppliers because the required regulations for the debarment process have not yet been approved.

The ensuing discussions proved very engaging and informative, but the REOs were generally concerned that the proposed debarment period of a maximum of five (5) years should be extended in view of the high cost to Government of correcting mistakes made by contractors. The comments and recommendations made on the proposed Regulations were noted for inclusion in the final report on the series of consultations held by the PPC.

The Chairperson of the Commission, Mrs. Carol Corbin, took the opportunity to discuss with the REOs and their technical staff the process for preparation of detailed Procurement Plans and the need for them to effectively manage their procurement programmes.  In response, the REOs indicated that the major issue affecting implementation and reporting was the critical shortage of staff to execute the procurement functions.

The Chairperson further encouraged the REOs to follow up with the relevant authorities, including the Ministry of Communities and the Public Service Ministry, to ensure that this particular concern is urgently addressed.  She noted that adequate staffing will improve efficiency in public procurement and assist the REOs in meeting statutory reporting requirements.

Contact: Jonelle DeViera, Communications Officer, Public Procurement Commission, E-mail: Tel: 592-231-7306