Several initiatives to be implemented in 2017 to bolster MARAD
GINA, GUYANA, Wednesday, January 4, 2016
The Maritime Administration Department, (MARAD) will implement several new initiatives to strengthen the performance of the department during this year.
Director General, MARAD, Claudette Rogers said an Architectural Engineer will be employed to determine the structural soundness of the wharves.

Director General of the Maritime Administration Department, Claudette Rogers
While the department will be working on formulating policies in keeping with the standard requirements for the registration of vessels and crew operating on behalf of ExxonMobil, and implementing port tug services for the docking and undocking of vessels, towards increasing operational safety, efficiency and effectiveness for mooring and unmooring operations.
Additionally, the administration will also establish Maritime Safety Centres in other regions of Guyana, and update and maintain hydrographic data, especially at the approaches to the entrances of the main ships’ channel.
The Director General, at the Ministry of Public Infrastructure’s year in review (2016) press conference today, explained that some of the successes in 2016 include the recorded depth of 5.4 metres chart datum from the recent hydrographic survey which was due to continuous dredging of the Demerara main ships’ channel.
“With this chart datum and a 2.8 metres rise of tide, it means that an 8.2 metres draught vessel can sail into Port Georgetown. We can therefore accommodate about 1000 tons more cargo (loaded).”
Additionally, 11 of 14 buoys are positioned in the Demerara ships’ channel while the remaining three will be positioned in 2017.
Three Maritime Safety Centres have been established and are operational at Bartica, Charity and Mabaruma. These centres will assist in regularising the licencing of boat operators and boats in the areas, and improve maritime safety.
Further, an additional 16 cadets have commenced training at the MATPAL Marine Institute to further enhance capacity building within the administration. Training and sensitisation sessions were also held by MARAD officials with boat operators in Regions One, Two, Seven, Eight and Nine on the improvement of maritime safety measures, in keeping with the relevant maritime practices and regulations.
The director General further highlighted that in 2016 there were six accidents resulting in five deaths when compared to 2015 when there were six accidents resulting in five deaths. The number of incidents in 2016 has reduced to three resulting in three deaths compared to the 12 incidents resulting in 14 deaths in 2015. There were no reported cases of piracy during 2016, Rogers said.
“MARAD continues with its life jacket distribution as part of its promotion on Maritime Safety. For the year 2016, approximately100 life jackets were distributed to students in Moruca, Pomeroon River, Watooba, Malali and Hosororo.”
By: Ranetta La Fleur