Tag: Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC)

The joint declaration of Argyle for dialogue and peace between Guyana and Venezuela

The joint declaration of Argyle for dialogue and peace between Guyana and Venezuela

- December 15, 2023

On Thursday, December 14, 2023, in Argyle, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, His Excellency Irfaan Ali, President of the Co-operative ... Read More

Guyana open to dialogue with Venezuela, border discussion off the table – Vice President

Guyana open to dialogue with Venezuela, border discussion off the table – Vice President

- December 10, 2023

Considering recent developments and Venezuela's escalating aggression towards Guyana's territory, Vice President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo has expressed the government’s openness ... Read More

PM tells CELAC Summit that teamwork integral to regional development

PM tells CELAC Summit that teamwork integral to regional development

- January 25, 2023

- Reiterates Guyana’s commitment to CELAC resolutions Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret'd), the Honourable Mark Phillips reiterated Guyana's support for CELAC ... Read More

Science and technology integral to building a modern Guyana – Hussain

Science and technology integral to building a modern Guyana – Hussain

- October 27, 2022

Guyana recently participated in the Third Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities in Science, Technology and Innovation of the Community ... Read More

Guyana applauds China- CELAC cooperation

Guyana applauds China- CELAC cooperation

- August 25, 2022

-aimed at tackling disaster risk management by Samuel Sukhnandan in Beijing Guyana is among 33 countries in the Community of ... Read More

President Ali wants Region to produce its own vaccines

President Ali wants Region to produce its own vaccines

- March 1, 2022

President Irfaan Ali today proposed that the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) should develop its capacity to produce vaccines for Covid-19 and ... Read More

Participation at COP26 will re-establish Guyana as a leading example for net carbon sink – President Ali

Participation at COP26 will re-establish Guyana as a leading example for net carbon sink – President Ali

- October 29, 2021

-Says that country will make “realistic and achievable” targets at environment conference His Excellency Dr. Irfaan Ali said that Guyana’s ... Read More

Guyana commits to providing strong leadership on climate change and food security – President Ali

Guyana commits to providing strong leadership on climate change and food security – President Ali

- September 18, 2021

- Tells Sixth Summit of CELAC that Latin America and Caribbean must enhance collaboration His Excellency Dr Irfaan Ali today ... Read More

President Ali to inform regional heads, UN about Venezuela’s latest border controversy

President Ali to inform regional heads, UN about Venezuela’s latest border controversy

- September 12, 2021

His Excellency Dr. Irfaan Ali plans to formally notify heads of government in the region about the accord made between the ... Read More