Tag: Parliament Chambers

Health Minister refutes claims of breaching COVID-19 guidelines at Parliament

Health Minister refutes claims of breaching COVID-19 guidelines at Parliament

- January 28, 2021

Minister of Health, Hon. Dr. Frank Anthony has refuted claims appearing in some sections of the Opposition controlled media of ... Read More

June 16 Parliamentary Sitting now underway

June 16 Parliamentary Sitting now underway

- June 16, 2017

DPI/GINA, GUYANA, Friday, June 16, 2017 The 65th sitting of the National Assembly continues today in the Parliament Chambers. On ... Read More

Public Accounts Committee dissatisfied with responses given by Region Eight REO during meeting

Public Accounts Committee dissatisfied with responses given by Region Eight REO during meeting

- April 10, 2017

GINA, GUYANA, Monday, April 10, 2o17 The Regional Executive Officer for Region Eight, Rafel Downes was unable to answer directly ... Read More

Land Reclamation Unit being formed – Minister Harmon tells Parliamentary Committee on Natural Resources

Land Reclamation Unit being formed – Minister Harmon tells Parliamentary Committee on Natural Resources

- July 20, 2016

Georgetown, GINA, July 20, 2016 Government has begun moves to establish a Land Reclamation Unit. This was revealed today, by ... Read More