65 new trained professionals added to Region Nine

Sixty-five residents of Region Nine are now skilled in welding and fabrication, heavy-duty equipment operation, commercial food preparation, small engine repairs, and electrical installation.

Thanks to the Board of Industrial Training (BIT), they joined the 20 Region Nine residents who graduated a week ago. Forty-five persons of the latest batch are from Lethem while the remaining 20 are from Shulinab.

The graduates said they were ready to enter the workforce, help develop their communities and earn an income.

Nineteen-year-old Stacy Williams, now a certified welder and fabricator, said that she learned a lot of things during the training programme while receiving an income.

Loticia David also completed training in welding and fabrication.

She said that when she started the programme, she ā€œdidnā€™t know anything about welding and fabrication, but due to my interest, I learnt a lot of things and later in life, I can do my own little business to maintain my life and family.ā€ 

Corretta Salvador can now add her name to the list of women who have completed the heavy-duty equipment operator training programme. 

ā€œPreviously, I admired the females who spoke about operating the machines. I see myself going into this field of work, earning for myself to provide for my family,ā€ Salvador said.

Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton, said he is pleased with the number of women seizing the opportunity BIT offers. More than half of the persons trained in Region Nine are women.

ā€œWe have trained 716 persons across villages in Region Nine. Among the 716 are 236 males and 480 females,ā€ Minister Hamilton explaioned while addressing a gathering at the Lethemā€™s Business Incubation Centre over the weekend.

Countrywide, 12,472 persons have graduated from BIT programmes, with 61 per cent being women.

The graduation ceremonies were also attended by BITā€™s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Richard Maughn; Chairman of Region Nine, Bryan Allicock; Toshao of Shulinab, Nicholas Fredericks; Chief Executive Officer of Food for the Poor, Andrea Benjamin, and the Regional Labour Mobility and Social Inclusion Coordinator of International Organisation of Migration (IOM), Maria-Alexandra Bassermann.