Abrams re-elected Chairman of Buxton/Foulis NDC.

DPI, Georgetown, Guyana, Thursday, December 7, 2017

In keeping with government’s promise to foster the growth of local democracy following the May 2015 elections, the Buxton/Foulis Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) today held elections to select a Chairman and Vice Chairman following the completion of the first term in office.

The voting saw the re-election of Forbs Deon Abrams, a resident of Buxton and representative of the APNU+AFC coalition as Chairman and Jagdeep Singh, of the People’s Progressive Party Civic being elected as Vice Chairman. The election was held at the offices of the Buxton/Foulis NDC, Friendship Village, East Coast Demerara.

Newly elected Chairman and Vice Chairman flanked by Returning Officer and Councillors of the Buxton / Foulis NDC.

Of the 13 councillors present, Abrams received 11 votes to two for Lokendra Persaud, a PPP/C representative. For the Vice Chairmanship, Singh received seven votes to that of six for Hazel Pyle, an APNU+AFC representative.

The Returning Officer was Cherrilene Herod, Overseer of the Buxton/Foulis NDC.

Delivering brief remarks, the re-elected chairman, Forbs Abrams said, “I am happy that you have displayed your confidence in me by re-electing me as Chairman. I am overwhelmed by the number of votes cast which does suggest that you are pleased with the way I have been dealing with the matters of the council.”

Further, Abrams added that despite the challenges faced by the Council in the past he is looking forward to a good working relationship with the councillors so that the work of the Council can progress.

“You are aware that there have been challenges and I am hoping that this Council will be strengthened and emboldened as it moves forward to remove all the challenges it had had in the past two years. The strength of this Council depends on you and your support and if we as the council are to have the Council fulfil its mandate and exercise its function as the body that is the authoritative arm of this NDC we all have to demonstrate a willingness to give the Council the authority it deserves and has not been having for the past two years.”

In addition, the Chairman-elect encouraged members of the council to recognise the authority vested in them by residents and the need for the people to return them to serve in their capacities on the NDC.

“We are the people who have to be voted for again and if we go back to them and they believe we are not fulfilling our mandates then they will feel we are not doing as promised and that is something we need to recognise. We are the ones who have to go back out there asking people to vote for us again to be part of this institution and those who have been putting spokes in our wheels in that regard we have to remove all of those obstacles so that as this council we can formulate policies and have them executed,” Abrams said.

The Chairman elect welcomed the Vice Chairman-elect and expressed the desire for continued partnership for the development of the Neighbourhood.

“I welcome Mr. Jagdeep Singh as Vice Chairman and I hope that as we have been working together as a team we will continue. One thing I like about this council is that we are not political once we are here. We are all one and I hope we will continue along that road so that in the end the people are the ones who will benefit from the work of this council.

Meanwhile, Vice Chairman-elect, Jagdeep Singh thanked his fellow councillors for the confidence shown in him and pledged his support for the work of the Council.

“I promise that I will do my utmost to work along with the chairman and councillors. I hope to extend the same kind of brotherhood and cohesiveness among ourselves. I stand for principle and what the law says.  We are here not as APNU or PPP but as councillors for the enhancement and the good of the community of Buxton /Foulis and I will maintain that for as long as I am here,” Singh said.

The Buxton/Foulis Neighbourhood Democratic Council is made up of 18 elected councillors. Currently, it has three seats are vacant following the death of one councilor and expulsion of two others.


By: Kidackie Amsterdam


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