Amerindian Affairs Minister continues to engage staff
Ministry of Amerindian Affairs
Press release
Monday, August 17, 2020
Newly-appointed Amerindian Affairs Minister, Hon. Pauline Sukhai, earlier today, continued her engagement with staff in the Ministry as she charts a bold course for the continued development of the Indigenous population across the hinterland.
The Minister told staff members that she is looking forward to working collectively as a team, to ensure the needs of the Indigenous Peoples are adequately addressed.
Staff members were also allowed to share concerns and suggestions for improvements going forward.
Since taking office, Minister Sukhai has emphasised that the PPP/C Government is committed to ensuring Indigenous issues, particularly that of land ownership, is frontally addressed.
Over the weekend, the previous APNU+AFC Coalition Administration came under fire from Minister Sukhai, for inadequately addressing Indigenous land issues during its one term in Government.
There are approximately two hundred and fifteen villages, communities and CDC’s which currently fall under the purview of the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs.
