Closure of Enmore, Rose Hall Estates likely in 2018 says Minister Harmon Work of Special Purpose Unit not yet completed
DPI, Guyana, Thursday, November 16, 2017
The scheduled closure of the Rose Hall and Enmore Estates will most likely take effect in 2018 since a system is not yet in place for the sugar workers following closure.

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon speaking during post cabinet media conference.
This is according to Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, who was speaking at a post-Cabinet press conference today, where he reiterated the Administration’s commitment to ensuring that the best interest of the sugar workers is taken into consideration before decisions are made regarding the sector.
The National Industrial & Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), Special Purpose Unit (SPU) processes, which involve valuation, surveys, inventorying and other assessments of the sugar industry are still to be completed, the State Minister disclosed.
As it relates to a proposal by the Private Sector Commission (PSC) for the purchase of the Enmore Estate, Minister Harmon said all proposals will be analysed by the SPU, then at an appropriate time, a response will be provided.
He assured too that severance will be paid to the sugar workers, where necessary, since, “the welfare of the workers is the primary consideration of this Administration and we will not see workers put on the breadline in that manner, without some recourse.”
Plans are on stream to train the workers for employment in other fields, as part of the post-closure recommendations.
The $130 million SPU was established in July 2017 to manage the divestment of the Skeldon Factory and other Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) assets.
The sum was covered under a supplementary provision on the Current and Capital estimates totaling $6.395 billion for the period January 01, 2017 to December 31, 2017, that was brought before the House for approval, by the Minister of Finance.
By: Stacy Carmichael
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