Company to cover DHB repair costs following barge collision – Min. Edghill

The company responsible for the tug and barge (OME Tone One), which drifted into four buoys and two pontoons at spans 12 and 13 of the Demerara Harbour Bridge (DHB) will bear the repair costs.

This was according to Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill on Sunday evening, during an assessment of the accident, which occurred at 19:30 hours.

Collision which occurred at the DHB Sunday evening

“The company that is responsible for this, whatever the cost of the damages, they would have to pay that is not an option,” Minister Edghill assured.

An investigation is currently being carried out by the Maritime Administration Department (MARAD) to determine the cause of the incident and whether the tug pushing the barge had sufficient control, given its heavy load of steel plates.

Additionally, the minister stated that technical experts will be enlisted to conduct inspections to ensure the bridge remains in good condition, while the new bridge is being constructed.

Divers were also deployed to assess the extent of damage to the anchors.

Minister Edghill emphasised that despite the incident, traffic flow interference is minimal, and he assured the public that the bridge will remain functional for traffic.

Heavy trucks are also permitted to traverse the bridge.

The minister confirmed that all crew members and coast guards were accounted.