Contractors collaborate to monitor waste disposal at Haags Bosch
– tarp deployer purchased to manage flies and smell
DPI, Guyana, Monday, October 8, 2018
Waste management at the Haags Bosch Landfill site is being monitored efficiently by waste companies Puran Brothers and Cevons Waste Management, under its new partnership Waste Solutions Landfill Incorporation.
In April, the two companies started their operations, through a collaborative effort, and have since been working under the government’s supervision.

Media operatives were today given a tour to gain insight on the daily operations at the Haags Bosch site, Eccles.
Site Manager at the Site, Hubert Urling said the operations have seen improvement since its new management.
Haags Bosch Site Supervisor attached to the Ministry of Communities, Lloyd Stanton said three months prior to the visit, officials from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) visited the operation and declared the site’s landfill status. He explained that the new management has worked assiduously to improve its daily operations.
In September, the contractors of Waste Solution have invested in a tarp deployer for the daily coverage of garbage at the site.
“What happens is at the end of the day we cover the waste to prevent flies and other insects, and it eases the smell [not stop it] from the raw garbage that was placed. The machine is equipped with spray nozzles that is equipped with a deodorizer at the bottom of the tarpaulin which helps in keeping down the smell,” Stanton said.
According to Stanton, the tarp deployer is lifted in the morning and more garbage is placed in the landfill. The tarp deployer can be used for over a long period once the material is not torn. He noted that using the tarp deployer will result in an increased two years in the landfill space since the operators are no longer using soil to cover the garbage.
The Haags Bosch landfill site is the largest landfill in Guyana catering for household and commercial refuse from Region Four.
Crystal Stoll.
Images: Keno George.