Countrywide adolescents’ vaccination drive continues
The COVID-19 vaccination drive for adolescents continued on Friday in various parts of the country.
The vaccination campaign is in keeping with efforts by the Government to have all children ages 12 to 17 immunised to ensure a safe environment for students when schools reopen on Monday, September 6.
DPI visited the North Ruimveldt and Brickdam secondary schools where students shared their views on the vaccines, while encouraging others to take their jabs.

Arianna Persaud, a student of Brickdam Secondary said, “I feel satisfied. At least I know I’m healthy to come back to school… I would encourage them to come and take it because it’s nothing to be scared about, it’s only to build your immunity, so I think you should come and take it.”
Derris Andrews who also took his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine stated the reason why he too, was eager to take his shot.

“My dad is already fully vaccinated, I play cricket and you know, to control and stop the COVID we need to take our vaccine so that’s the best way to control it.”
Natalia Faticu said she feels safer now that she’s vaccinated.
“I feel relieved, at least I know I won’t be in the hospital every minute because of sickness. You shouldn’t be scared of taking the vaccine because it’s for your own mental health, it’s not something to be scared of or anything”, she said.
Ishmael Bowen also expressed gratitude to the Ministries of Health and Education for initiating the rollout, as it allows for the reopening of schools.
“I’m very happy that I came out here today to take the first dose because I’m happy that I could protect myself from Coronavirus because I want to come out back to school and I’m happy that the Ministry of Education giving us this chance to come out back to school. I would advise others to come and take it. It’s better to take the vaccine than do not take it, it’s better to be safe than sorry later”, he said.
Daniel Clinton related, “It’s good, come take the vaccine because it’s like helping you with the new disease that came out and it feels good to take the vaccine.”

Meanwhile, several parents also took the time to share the importance of ensuring that children too, are vaccinated.
Tracy Simon said she found it important to have her child vaccinated to protect him against the deadly disease.
“I have confidence in the vaccine and once I protect myself, I should protect my child also so that’s the reason why I did it. I know it’s not a cure but at least it can eliminate any sickness that should come our way”, she noted.
Another parent, Deborah Bowen also took the opportunity to urge other parents to to get their children vaccinated.

“I would like to tell you all to come out and take the vaccine, it’s very safe… Don’t feel scared, don’t feel frightened. Don’t scare your children, don’t let your neighbor discourage your mind. Get a mind of your own an do your own thing, do your own research and know that it’s safe for your children and yourself”, she said.
The United States Government donated 146,250 doses of the Pfizer vaccine to aid in this vaccination campaign and each child will be required to take the second dose three weeks after taking the first jab.