Covid transmission can lessen if public acts responsibly
– wear masks in public at all times
– Minister Anthony
Minister of Health, Hon. Dr. Frank Anthony says there is need for a culture change in the public’s response to COVID-19. He said people need to do more to safeguard their own health and the health of those with whom they have frequent contact.
Dr. Anthony made this appeal during Wednesday’s COVID-19 update.
“We have to constantly emphasise this and we need to change the culture where if someone see another person not wearing a mask, then they should tell them to wear a mask, and if everybody starts doing that, we’ll have better compliance.”

Businesses must do their part as well, and post notices reminding the public to wear masks before entering.
“You can do a handwritten notice, you can print it out, put it up there to say that anybody entering these premises must wear a mask, it makes a big difference.
The minibus people: drivers or buss owners should put up little signs to remind people that when they are using public transportation, that they should wear a mask. It doesn’t hurt to put up a little sticker or something of the sort in the bus to remind people to wear a mask because again, you’re in a relatively closed environment,” Minister Anthony added.
The Minister said transmission of Covid can only be contained if the public acts responsibly.
“We can reduce spread if we do simple things and if we do that, we are going to save lives. Wear a mask and if everybody starts doing that, we’ll have better compliance in the shops, in the businesses.
“So, I just want to make that appeal to the persons who are operating boats as well, it doesn’t hurt to put up a little sign to say anybody coming to travel on this boat, that apart from wearing your life jackets that you must wear a mask as well. It doesn’t take much, but it can make a big difference,” Minister Anthony explained.
The Minister said it is also important that masks are worn correctly, covering the mouth and nose, at all times. To date, 231 persons in Guyana have died from Covid.
There are 10,192 confirmed cases of the disease, and of that number, 8,998 persons have recovered.
Guyana began rolling out its COVID-19 vaccination programme in February.