Culinary experiences integral to Guyana’s tourism products – Minister Walrond

─ as restaurant week launched 

“Eat, Explore Repeat,” is the theme under which 22 restaurants will be observing restaurant week, scheduled for November 12 to 21.

The exciting week of culinary skills was officially launched on Thursday by Minister of Tourism Industry and Commerce, Oneidge Walrond at the Hard Rock Café, MovieTowne, East Coast Demerara.

Minister Walrond in the company of Deputy Director of the GTA, Kamrul Baksh and President of THAG Harrinand Persaud.

Minister Walrond said culinary experiences are important to Guyana’s tourism product, noting that tourism is currently the third largest export earner outside of oil and gas and gold, which means that it is a sustainable way in which Guyana could continue to earn income even after oil and gas is gone.

… the culinary experience, that dining experience adds to the hospitality and adds to the value of this destination Guyana that we are promoting. So, don’t think that your restaurants, your establishments don’t add value and that it does not matter. When people come away from your restaurant they must come away with a positive experience,” Minister Walrond stated.

Minister of Tourism Industry and Commerce Oneidge

I urge you to up the ante, up your game in terms of the culinary experiences that we have, that you offer here in Guyana,” she continued.

Minister Walrond added that “we have the talent” alluding to instances where local chefs train local indigenous women in Moraikobai and St. Cuthbert’s Mission to provide exceptional culinary experiences.

President of THAG Harrinand Persaud.

“So, you don’t have to go out with the fish that is in your streams, with the cassava that is of course a staple and the other fruits and vegetables that come out of their communities. They made a tremendous culinary experience, for the visitors, unlike anything I would say that I have experienced in any restaurant here in Guyana,” the minister added.

She said too, that Guyana has the talent and capacity to succeed. “As we embrace this new restaurant week, I want us to continue understanding that more and more people are alluding to Guyana, with a critical eye and as you are not separate and apart from the hotel developments, from the eco-lodges, that we are one integrated hospitality sector and make the experience of your diners count.”

A section of the gathering at the Launch of Restaurant Week.

The tourism minister said that local establishments have been doing a tremendous job and urged restauranteurs to continue to uplift their standards and provide exceptional service.

Restaurant week is sponsored by LEHR INC, Presidente Beer, Guyana Tourism Authority and Republic Bank Limited.