Deputy Speaker commends 2024 Budget plans

Says more emphasis should be placed on “positives” of the budget

Contributing to the 2024 Budget Debates in the National Assembly, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly and Opposition Member of Parliament Dr Asha Kissoon commended the plans for further development of the housing, agriculture, and education sectors.

“Mr Speaker, I stand here honestly and sincerely saying that I am proud of Minister Rodrigues and Croal for what they have done and demonstrated to the people of Guyana. Thousands of persons of persons have homes, and thousands of persons have access to financing. It is a basic need that is met for the people of Guyana,” she pointed out.

Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly and Opposition Member of Parliament Dr Asha Kissoon

At the end of 2023, 30,350 people were made landowners as the government aggressively pursued its housing programme over the last 3 years.

This is in stark contrast to the less than 8,000 house lots allocated in five years during the tenure of the APNUAFC administration.

Further, Dr Kissoon pointed out that the $97.6 Billion allocated for agricultural development is indeed laudable, as Guyana aims to play a crucial role in reducing the region’s food import bill by 25% by 2025.

“I would like to acknowledge the Minister of Agriculture. Guyana is now the breadbasket of the Caribbean. We the people are proud…let us acknowledge that this is a plus for Guyana and the people of Guyana,” Dr Kissoon pointed out.

Similarly, the joinder list MP recognised the importance of the education sector and lauded the ministry’s plans to construct new secondary schools across the country to provide easier access to education.

She also commended the GOAL scholarship programme under the Ministry of Public Service.

“Over the last 3 years, 21,442 Guyanese were granted scholarships. This is a tremendous positive for Guyana. We must continue to foster academic growth. We must continue to support young people and everybody in the system who wants an education…I sincerely love that more is being invested into education,” she explained.

The budget debates conclude today, with the National Assembly being dissolved on Tuesday to begin the Consideration of Estimates and Expenditures proposed under each ministry and agency.