Drainage, road works for Woodley Park – Min. Indar

Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar, MP, on Wednesday visited Woodley Park, Region Five and committed to completing drainage and roadworks in the community.

The minister’s visit is in response to calls by residents for much-needed maintenance works to be conducted on existing infrastructure.

Minister Indar said he is aware that the region was starved of development under the previous APNU+AFC government. The minister assured the residents that this will not be the case under his watch.

Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar, MP, and Regional Chairman, Vickchand Ramphal, with residents walking along one of the streets scheduled for repair

While on a walkabout in the community, several residents brought to his attention streets which were in dire need of repairs. Several drains were also identified as overdue for cleaning, as well as being the main cause for flooding in the area.

“Everywhere we go in the country, people are asking for their roads, they want street lights, they want proper drainage and a whole host of other things. We are trying as a government to make sure that we meet those requests,” Minister Indar told the residents.

The minister made a commitment to residents, that through the Regional Democratic Council (RDC), a mini excavator will be made available in two weeks, for the clearing of all drains in the area.

Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar, MP, interacting with residents of Woodley Park and neighbouring communities

In relation to road works, Minister Indar said his Ministry will commit to resurfacing some roads in the community.

Meanwhile, Regional Chairman, Vickchand Ramphal, committed to having the remaining streets done through the RDC.

“I just want to tell you all, when we get it [streets] done and you see people with big trucks and people with combine and people with bulldozer with tracks, breaking it up you all have to stop them.” Minister Indar said. Several other issues in relation to the Community Centre Ground, special assistance, the Covid Relief Grant and agricultural matters were addressed. Minister Indar assured residents that he would forward there matters to the various subject ministers for resolution.