First time voters looking to make a difference
DPI, Guyana, Monday, March 2, 2020
Many first-time voters casting their ballots in the General and Regional Elections are exercising their right to make a difference.
Lennox Young, one of those who voted at the Bel Air Primary school told DPI why it was so important for him to exercise his democratic right.
“I think that it matters that the youths come out and vote so that a President is installed who will ensure there is an education system for the future that benefits us,” the young man said.

Sarah Grannum described her first experience as a smooth process. The young lady noted that it was important she plays her role in electing a government of her choice.
“If I do not exercise my constitutional rights then I leave the decision of who is running the country up to other people. I am part of the country so I need to do my part in deciding who I want to see as my head of state,” Grannum remarked.
Also excited to exercise his right to vote was Otto Jones who commended the smooth voting process. Jones said the country is “moving forward and will continue to move forward” therefore he cast his ballot today to ensure the development continues.
Along with the first-time voters, thousands of Guyanese will be casting their vote throughout the country to elect a government of their choice. An estimated 661, 378 eligible persons will be voting today at the 2, 339 polling stations located across the country.
A total of 13 political parties will be contesting the elections this year. Among them, the incumbent A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change and opposition People’s Progressive Party.
Several small parties will also be seeking to secure votes at both the general and regional polls. These are A New United Guyana, Change Guyana, Federal United Party, Liberty and Justice Party, Organisation For the Victory of the People, The Citizenship Initiative, People’s Republic Party, The New Movement and United Republican Party.
The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has already assured that all systems have been put in place to ensure credible elections. More than 13,500 polling day staff will be manning the polling stations.