GOAL scholarship application deadline extended
The Ministry of Public Service has extended the deadline for the Guyana Online Academy of Learning (GOAL) scholarship applications to Saturday, March 5, 2022.
The extension will allow for additional persons to join the already 7, 000 applications so far for this year.
Last year, the government awarded 6,000 GOAL scholarships to Guyanese to pursue courses at international universities online.

Further, to continue this initiative a total of $1.3 billion was allocated by the government to ensure thousands more can have access to these opportunities.
Minister of Public Service, Sonia Parag, M.P, while defending the sum allocated for this programme in the National Assembly said, “I believe [GOAL] has been one of the best programmes ever implemented by any government in this part of the world, and perhaps even beyond. I don’t see how any sane person would be against something that represents positivity to this magnitude.”

Additionally, the GOAL scholarships are geared at equipping citizens from across the country with the knowledge and qualification for self and economic development.
Persons who wish to apply are reminded of the following:
─ Carefully select three programmes options that are aligned with your current academic qualifications.
─ Copies of all academic certificates are required to be certified by a Justice of Peace or Commissioner of Oaths.
─ A recent Curriculum Vitae or Job letter (if employed) should be uploaded to the online application portal.
─ Applicants should have successfully completed their respective qualifications before applying for a GOAL scholarship.
─ An official letter from the institutions confirming completion of studies will be accepted in lieu of certificates for students who have recently graduated.
─ Official and unofficial transcripts should also be uploaded to the online application portal.
For further guidance on the GOAL scholarships visit www.goal.edu.gy or contact GOAL’s representatives on 222-5391 and 222-5395.