Government to return and increase school children Cash Grant from January 2021

-Uniform voucher doubled

-Corporate taxes for private schools removed

His Excellency, Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali, President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, has announced the education cash grant and other education tailored measures in the 2020 Emergency Budget.

“Effective from the first of January, 2021, we will introduce the $15,000 cash grant for school children. This of course will bring tremendous help to families, to schools and to children by which time, they will hopefully be returning to school under the improved situation that we have now as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,” President Ali said.

This is an increase to the $10,000 “Because We Care Cash Grant” that started under the PPP/C Administration in 2014 but was later discontinued by the APNU+AFC in 2015.

Vice President, Hon. Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo who was part of the press conference, stated that the grant, which will amount to $2.5Billion in relief, will significantly ease the pockets of parents and guardians.

President Ali also announced that the government will be doubling the school uniform voucher allowance to $4,000 per child.

The Head State noted that since face-to-face learning has been halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government will be injecting funds into the learning channel to facilitate more innovative learning.

“In keeping with our old plan and programme to expand e-learning and distance learning, to help during this COVID period we’re setting aside $200Million to expand Guyana Learning Channel”.

Moreover, President Ali further announced that the Government will also be chopping corporate tax on private education, as it continues to deliver on promises made on the campaign trail, as well as, develop the education sector.

We have decided to remove corporate tax on private education. We’re hoping too that the private institutions now can address issues of costs of education to children because they will benefit now from the removal of tax on private education.”

The Emergency Budget for the remainder of the 2020 fiscal year is expected to be presented on Wednesday.