Govt invests millions in road infrastructure development in Fyrish, Region Six

Infrastructural development in communities is crucial in fostering economic growth, creating employment opportunities for residents, and improving accessibility and connectivity.

Fyrish, located in Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne), is among the numerous communities that have benefitted from substantial investment in infrastructure works through the Ministry of Public Works’ miscellaneous road project.

Regional Executive Officer (REO), Navendra Persaud

Twelve roads and one footpath have been constructed and rehabilitated in the area, bringing relief to hundreds of residents.

Regional Executive Officer (REO), Navendra Persaud emphasised the significance and positive impacts of road improvements on communities and road users. He said infrastructure projects within the region are allocated fairly among communities.

“One thing I am happy about as REO, is we don’t have one community getting 15 roads and some don’t get. It is spread across every community,” he said in a recent interview with the Department of Public Information.

One key project is the rehabilitation of Fyrish Nursery School Street into an asphaltic concrete thoroughfare. That project was executed by S & S Construction Company to the tune of $18.3 million.  

In Kilcoy Dam, works involved the transformation of a mud dam into an asphaltic concrete road spanning some 2,300 metres. The infrastructural works were undertaken by Associated Construction Services at the cost of $254.3 million.

Ongoing infrastructural works

Similar rehabilitation works were done at First Cross Street West in Number One Village, Fyrish. That road was transformed from a mud dam into a concrete road at a sum of $39.5 million.

Meanwhile, First Cross Street East was also rehabilitated from a double bituminous surface treatment (DBST) road into concrete to the tune of $$37.1 million.

Additionally, upgrades were completed on Yorrick Street Gibraltar, Fyrish resulting in the thoroughfare being improved to a concrete road spanning 300 metres. The project valued at $21.3 million was completed by Elite Earthworks & Construction Services.

Rehabilitation works were also done on Number One, Middle Walk North, Fyrish by JS Engineering Service at some $18.6 million.  

Poke Boy Street was also transformed from a double bituminous surface treatment (DBST) road to a concrete road by Precession Construction and General Services to the tune of $7.2 million.

Ongoing infrastructural works

Similarly, Jackie Street was rehabilitated from Mud Dam to a concrete road at $7.2 million. The project was executed by ECS Construction & General Supplies.

The Seventh Day Adventist Street in the community of Kilcoy, Fyrish underwent a similar transformation to the tune of $9.9 million.  

Acrobat Street underwent major upgrades from a double bituminous surface treatment (DBST) road into asphalt costing $19.3 million, while a whopping $41.4 million was expended to rehabilitate Sir Douglas Jones Road.

Meanwhile, footpaths connecting the community of Fyrish to Chesney were transformed from mud dams to concrete. ECS Construction & General Supplies executed this project to the tune of $8.1 million.

These infrastructural upgrades are in line with the PPP/C Government’s vision to deliver significant relief to citizens and foster community development.