Govt making developmental opportunities available to young contractors in East Ruimveldt

The government continues to receive resounding praise from persons residing in East Ruimveldt, Georgetown, for allowing them to actively participate in the infrastructural development of their community.

Several major projects are underway in various parts of East Ruimveldt after contracts valuing more than $58 million were signed by residents on March 8 in that area alone.

Minister McCoy and Minister Indar speak to a resident during the afternoon consultation

The youngest among the contractors is Roynell Berkley, who has been awarded a contract to construct one of the walkways at Avocado Place.

He told the Department of Public Information (DPI) on Tuesday that he had never been so elated to pursue a project.

Roynell Berkley is the youngest among the contractors

“I am so glad that I got the opportunity to put out good work in the community where I was born. Also, as you can see the roads are very perfect. This is the best government I can say. I can’t recall the road ever being done in East Ruimveldt while growing up,” Berkley highlighted.

Another excited contractor, Tiffany Greenidge believes that the gesture by the government is a significant boost for her community and family.

Another excited contractor, Tiffany Greenidge

The opportunity, she emphasised, has brought smiles to many faces, especially those she hired to complete the task.

“Importantly, it is putting food on my family table and I must say that I have a lot of people from my area working with me. All my workers are glad for the money that will be coming into their pockets,” Greenidge noted.

As a first-time contractor, Daryl Austin expressed that individuals who previously frequented the streets are now actively engaged in community development, and are earning a respectable income.

Ongoing road works in East Ruimveldt, Georgetown

Austin explained that since securing the government contract, he prioritised hiring persons within his area who he assured are capable enough to execute the road work.

He also believes that this approach would strengthen their families and subsequently the community.

Also expressing gratification, Moses Brewster said the government is doing major work at ensuring that the “man at the grassroots level” benefits and plays an integral role in Guyana’s development.

“People would be employed from the community once they have the skills. But work is here for everybody,” Brewster asserted.

Minister McCoy engages residents of East Ruimveldt, Georgetown

Meanwhile, Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar, and Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister with responsibility for Public Affairs, Kwame McCoy visited the community on Tuesday.

Both ministers conducted a thorough inspection of the ongoing projects and interacted with residents to find out ways in which the government could do more to better their lives.

Speaking with DPI, Minister McCoy posited that the government’s infrastructural development efforts will bring major comfort to residents and commuters alike. 

“Our people are now able to come in and out of their communities with ease knowing that their roads are in such a state that accommodates their vehicles and their movement. Persons living with disabilities, children, the elderly, everyone is accommodated when we improve the community assets and infrastructure,” Minister McCoy stressed.

He underscored that the engagement with citizens is nothing new for the PPP/C Administration, especially since it has a notable track record for always being in the fields and meeting Guyanese despite their geographic location.  

“We believe in working and connecting with people because, at the end of the day, we are working for the people. Right across the country…We are making sure that we bring benefits to people, enhance their communities, and bring comfort to their lives,” the minister noted.

The ministers also assessed works and consulted with residents in several areas in West Ruimveldt.