Gov’t officials address health, livelihood issues at Mabura Hill, nearby areas

-during Region 10 outreach

Residents of Mabura Hill, Mile 47 and Mile 58 communities of Upper Demerara-Berbice (Region Ten) have been able to engage the authorities on a wide range of issues plaguing them for years.

Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Hon. Deodat Indar

They aired their concerns during a meeting with Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Hon. Deodat Indar and Member of Parliament and Presidential Advisor, Hon. Dr. Jennifer Westford on Thursday. The officials were part of a Cabinet outreach to the Region.

At Mabura Hill, residents said the lack of an ambulance service was a major concern.

Member of Parliament and Presidential Advisor, Hon. Dr. Jennifer Westford

In response, Minister Indar assured them that the need for an ambulance would be relayed to his Cabinet colleague, Minister of Health, Hon. Dr. Frank Anthony.

Issues affecting the health centre were also discussed, particularly as it relates to the lack of a medex.

“We are going to make representation as early as possible to get someone to come on a visitation and if the needs are greater, we are going to get a person [to remain longer],” Minister Indar said.

Residents also pointed out that the police station only had an all-terrain vehicle for transportation.

Minister Indar said when the PPP/C entered office, it discovered that over 60 per cent of vehicles within the Guyana Police Force that were donated by the Chinese Government were not operational. He noted that while after sales servicing and replacement parts are a challenge for those vehicle brands, the Ministry of Home Affairs would be briefed on the shortage.

Concerning agriculture, Minister Indar urged residents who desire land for subsistence farming to submit their applications so they could ensure food security for their community.

Resident, Mr. Sydney Allicock

Meanwhile, at Mile 58, resident Mr. Sydney Allicock said his neighbourhood received its Amerindian land title in 2006, but the demarcation process was not finalised and the land needs extending.

To this end, Minister Indar said he will verify those facts through the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission and provide the community with an update within two weeks.

Another resident brought the education sector into the spotlight with a request for a secondary school and dormitory to be constructed in the community.

A section of the community engagement at Mile 58, Region 10

While noting that the construction of the two buildings with subsequent staffing would be a capital project and could not be done immediately, Minister Indar said the Minister of Education would be engaged to ascertain whether those two projects could be included in upcoming budgets.

Mile 47, 48

Both Mile 47 and 48, like many communities along the Linden-Mabura road, depend upon the logging industry for their livelihoods.

Residents said the logging concession that they operate has been depleted of the species of wood that is most economical. As such, both Minister Indar and Dr. Westford were asked for lands to be made available for residents to make a living.

In response, Minister Indar advised residents to form a group and submit an application for a logging concession that they have identified. He also assured them that the Ministry of Natural Resources would be informed of their plight.