Guyana remains dedicated to facilitating transition to clean energy – PM Phillips

Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips, has highlighted the pivotal role that clean energy plays in fostering sustainable development.

In a statement released on Thursday, PM Phillips reminded that, against the backdrop of the detrimental global effects of rising greenhouse gas emissions, climate-resilient action must be taken.

Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips

This sentiment comes as Guyana joins the United Nations and the global community in observance of the International Day of Clean Energy.

Importantly, the government has embarked on a robust national strategy to provide equitable and affordable access to clean and renewable energy, while reducing the use of imported fossil fuels countrywide.

Under its Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) 2030, Guyana’s energy transition is backed by strict policies to bring to the forefront innovative clean energy solutions using natural resources.

“The Government aims to incorporate a mix of clean and renewable energy – solar, hydro, wind, and natural gas energy resources to meet the country’s energy needs over the next five years. It is envisioned that this plan will help to add more than 500 megawatts (MW) of electricity capacity for residential and commercial users that can contribute to a fifty per cent reduction in electricity costs,” the prime minister said.

These transformational initiatives include the 300 megawatt (MW) Wales Gas to Shore project, which is expected to cut electricity costs in half. As part of this project, natural gas from the Stabroek Block offshore Guyana will be transported to a natural gas power plant onshore via a 225-kilometre pipeline.

The 165MW Amaila Falls Hydropower Project is another initiative expected to generate cleaner and cheaper energy for Guyanese, lowering the country’s carbon footprint.

The new solar photovoltaic system that was distributed to several households in the hinterland regions

Hinterland communities are also reaping the benefits of this ongoing revolution, through projects such as the Solar Home Systems Project, which sees the distribution of 30,000 160-watt solar photovoltaic (PV) systems.

“Between 2020 to 2023, the Government has increased its investment in solar PV technology including two utility-scale solar PV farms and 31 solar mini-grids. Among our renewable energy progress, there have also been investments in grid upgrades, and rooftop and off-grid solar PV systems aimed at accommodating an increase in solar capacity to more than 14 megawatts,” PM Phillips said.

The country’s electric mobility industry has also been part of this transition, with the advent of electric vehicles. To date, the country has six newly installed electric vehicle charging facilities that aim to promote alternative energy sources in the transportation sector and encourage investments in more environmentally friendly vehicles.