Guyana wins 6th Tourism Award this year
DPI, Guyana, Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Destination Guyana has won its sixth award for 2019!
This time, it won the Silver Prize in ‘Best of Adventure’ from the International Travel and Tourism Awards for its sustainable adventure practices framework communities have embodied.

The ‘Silver’ prize for ‘Best of Adventure’ from the International Travel and Tourism Awards.
The award was presented at the World Travel Market in London on November 5.
In a brief statement, the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) expressed or appreciation to its partners at Lotus UK for helping to make the award possible.
The honour for ‘Best in Adventure’ recognises the destinations or businesses within the travel and tourism industry that have dedicated time in supporting and promoting adventure travel, through creative marketing and campaigns as well as increasing interest to their particular destination through this sector.
This year, Guyana was also named: The World’s #1 in ‘Best of Ecotourism’ and one of the Top Ten Sustainable Destinations at the ITB Berlin – the world’s leading travel and trade show in March 2019.
In June of this year, the country was won First Place at the Golden City Gate Awards for its Welcome back to Nature and won first in Sustainable Tourism at the LATA Achievement Awards that same month.
At the CTO’s Sustainable Tourism Awards Programme in August, Guyana was awarded first in Best in Destination Stewardship.