Guyanese can build on ancestors’ triumphs to build a glorious future – President Ali
His Excellency, Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali said Guyana’s fore parents banded together to end colonialism, a victory that would fashion the country’s future and shape its destiny.
The President made this statement during his address at the 55th Independence Anniversary flag-raising ceremony in Kingston on Tuesday evening.

“No one race of our people achieved that victory. People of all races did it collectively, as Guyanese born in this land and of this land, each the equal of the other, and each devoted to the common purpose of making of Guyana, a homeland in which all Guyanese could thrive and prosper.”
President Ali urged Guyanese today to keep faith with those who fought against colonialism, by recalling the spirit of common purpose that motivated them, with pride and respect.
Dr. Ali impressed upon listeners that Guyana is in exciting times with immense economic opportunities for all members of society to grow and contribute to the country’s wealth.
He said Guyana could benefit enormously from the 19 significant hydrocarbon discoveries made offshore since 2015, which signal rapid economic advancement for all.
The President said, “I urge each of you to dream big. Your Government will support those dreams and help make them reality.”
He said that this goal is why he has travelled across Guyana to listen to individuals and communities, for the building of a strong Guyana, “in which there is no distinction of race, no determination by colour and no differentiation by creed.”
Just as Guyana was divided in its colonial past, the President said there are persons who would try to divide Guyana in the future for their own purpose. He is adamant that it must never happen again.
“The greatest of our perils is to forget our overriding oneness. It must not be so. I am determined that it shall not be so.”
Dr. Ali reminded that Guyana celebrated Arrival Day earlier this month, and will celebrate Emancipation Day, both national holidays which represent segments of Guyana’s rich ethnic tapestry. All Guyanese, he hopes, would be proud of their ancestral heritage because of their ancestors sacrifices for them.
“Let us make them proud that their children belong to this new country built on their blood, sweat and tears, and on their creativity, their ingenuity and their recognition that, in the end, their success could only be the result of their unity.”
The President said it is up to Guyanese to make their futures glorious.
“Our country will not be built by the negativity or nay-sayers, poor losers, and the purveyors of destruction,” he said.
Dr. Ali reminded the nation that her people have triumphed over colonialism and exploitation, and political differences, but are still living and working together. He said that it is our job, to carry the enterprise on.
He said as long as Guyanese have faith in the future and the courage to capitalise on opportunities available, the nation will be unstoppable.