Hauraruni Girls’ Home gets new library and computer lab upgrade
[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Je7V5G0tS-g” width=”100%” height=”315″]
─ Refurbishing done through project by UG Degree in Public Management Students
─ Project supported by Ministers Raphael Trotman and Sydney Allicock
By Felecia Valenzuela
DPI, Guyana, Sunday, June 2, 2019
The prospects of spending longer hours reading, is one the young residents of the Hauraruni Girls’ Home along the Soesdyke Linden Highway, is quite excited about, and the possibility of this happening in a more comfortable environment is even more inspiring.
“I think it is great, really great.”, exclaimed a 16-year-old resident of the home, telling the Department of Public Information (DPI) that the now enhanced facility is much more comfortable and welcoming.
While her 10-year-old house mate stated, “I would enjoy coming here to read and study more.”
Saturday last, the home commissioned its newly refurbished library, the result of a project by the third year Public Management students of the University of Guyana.
As a criterion for graduation, the university students were required to identify a project in a community of their choice, look at ways to improve or develop this and work together to complete a structured plan. According to Joel Sukra, who spoke on behalf of his group, this particular project at the Hauraruni Girls’ Home was done to make a different impact. “A project that is sustainable.” … The aim was to create a sustainable environment for educational development for children.” he explained.
He said his group visited three orphanages and after careful analysis chose the Hauraruni Girls’ Home, which is a place of refuge for young girls who have been neglected and or abused.
The home was established in 1982 by the late Reverend Philip Mohabir, Founder of the Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches in Guyana.
Meanwhile, Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman and his wife were welcomed guests at the commissioning ceremony, having personally contributed to the project.
Asked to make brief remarks, the minister told the young ladies that sometimes one goes through painful and difficult situations in life, but that God was always there. He also assured that he stands ready to support the development of the home, in his personal capacity.
“I have been touched by what I have seen and I would like to thank the students of the University of Guyana for choosing this place to make it your project.” he stated.
Attorney-at-Law, Mariam Andrew-Ming delivered the feature address on behalf of the Minister of Indigenous Peoples Affairs, Sydney Allicock. She applauded the university students for the project and advised the young women of the home to continue to flourish and grow.
“The world literally depends on us to continue to flourish and grow. Across Guyana, we see women leading every day, we see super women, powerful and elegant, we have a lot farther to go, you are the future, you will lead us there.” she noted.
Also present at yesterday’s commissioning was the Regional Representative of Region Seven, Kamal Persaud, who represented the Office of the Prime Minister. Persaud presented hampers of clothing, footwear and games to the home from a number of private donors.
Along with the library, which was relocated from its old location in the building, the computer room received some minor upgrades, the entire exterior of the home received a face lift, as well as a new sign board was erected at the entrance from the highway.
Images: Ameer Sattaur