Health Expo 2018 closes to excellent reviews
DPI, Guyana, Saturday, June 2, 2018
As the Ministry of Public Health’s inaugural Health Expo came to a close today, the public response has been a positive one. Visitors turned out in their numbers to access the services available.
The Department of Public Information (DPI) has been present throughout the four-day expo and captured the views of visitors attending the event. Many patrons indicated that the expo was beyond their expectations and they are now looking forward to a similar event in the future.
Francis Quamina Farrier, renowned journalist described citizens’ response to the expo as one of “stirring interest” in this particular sector and can be the beginning of a new path of developing a healthy Guyana.
“A healthy nation is a rich nation because our natural resources including our human resources need to be in the best possible condition and as such people ought to be reminded about things to do and not to do in order to continue to have good health,” Farrier said.

Meanwhile Occupational Health and Safety Officer of the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI), Pheona Joseph said her agency capitalised on the expo to inform the public of health and safety initiatives relevant to the daily functions of providing potable water throughout the country.
“We just wanted to reach out to the public and let them know some of the other things behind the scenes other than just providing water… In relation to health, we are letting the public know that we cater to the health and well-being of our staff and the three ways in which we do that.”
According to exhibitors, the turn out on the final day was beyond what was expected.
Senior officials of the ministry expressed their satisfaction with the level of commitment put forward by the planning committee for the event, noting that they are reaping the fruits of their labour. Further, Shellon Bess, Deputy Permanent Secretary-Administration, MoPH remarked that the hosting of this event has made a significant impact to the minds of Guyanese concerning their health.
“I must say that I am excited… it shows what is needed, it shows the impact that the health system has on Guyanese. Health is on the move as is evident here at this expo.” Bess explained.
Another member of the planning committee, Mr. Seewchan detailed that, “we have successes in many ways through health expo 2018. Persons came here in their numbers adding to a successful expo. Not only were the services good but many of our manufacturers and suppliers had the chance to showcase what they had to offer in Guyana.”
Health Expo 2018 was officially opened by President David Granger on May 30, who noted in his address that Guyanese must make their health and well-being a priority. This event was hosted for four days under the theme ‘Reaching for a better life with good health’,
The aim of Health Expo 2018 is to reset the public’s approach to health with an emphasis on heightened awareness and education on living healthier lives. The event has now become the model for health advocacy and awareness, spearheaded by the Ministry of Public Health in collaboration with several international partners and health institutions from the private sector; making it a success.
By: Delicia Haynes