Improved hinterland water supply, new rig to service Region Two
– as $275. 9M approved in National Assembly
The sum of $275.9 million will be expended to improve potable water supply in several hinterland communities, as well as for the procurement of a new PAT drilling rig.
The sum was approved by the Parliamentary Committee of Supply on Monday, as part of the $44.4 billion supplementary funding sought after by the government.

Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal explained that of the $275.9 billion, $152.5 million will go towards the expansion of systems in a number of communities in Region Nine.
Among the communities to benefit are Shulinab, Meriwau, Karadarunau, Masakanari, Achiwib, Shea, Rupunau, Para Bara, Quarrie and Sawariwau villages. One community will also benefit from the distribution of water tanks for water harvesting.
Communities including Nappi will be catered for in the Guyana Water Incorporated’s (GWI) 2023 programme.
“This came about as a result of the recently concluded visit [ to Region Nine] by His excellency Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali,” the minister stated.
Additionally, $10 million will be spent on a new system in El Paso, Region Eight.
The government’s hinterland water strategy aims to ensure 100 per cent access to potable water in hinterland and riverine communities by the year 2025.
While the government has been awarding contracts to execute projects, attention has been placed on building the capacity of GWI.
To this end, one PAT rig was purchased last year by the water company and is currently in the Moruca sub-district, Region One drilling a number of wells.
The new rig that will be procured under the approved sum, will be sent to communities along the Pomeroon River, Region Two.
“Everybody is familiar with what is happening there because of the rising water level and so we are sending that rig to the Pomeroon for the drilling of a number of wells and then move onwards targeting more of the riverine communities catering for more mobility and access,” he pointed out.