Instructors of E.R. Burrowes School of Arts receive ICT equipment to complete scholarship studies
Two instructors attached to the E.R. Burrowes School of Art will now be equipped with Information Communication Technology (ICT) equipment to complete their Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design and Fine Arts at the Barbados Community College.
Today, one of the recipients was present at the Ministry of Education’s 26 Brickdam office to receive the equipment which includes a professional digital camera, two HP laptops complete with graphic design software and a tablet built for graphic designing.

The scholarship awardees and recipients of the ICT equipment are Renella Hamlet and Herchelle Pellew. The two awardees have already completed the Associate Degree in Graphic Design and Fine Arts and are currently pursuing the Bachelor’s Degree. When they graduate at the end of the 2021/2022 academic year they will serve as lecturers at the E.R. Burrowes School of Art.
Their scholarship as well as the equipment handed over today all come under the Guyana Skills Development and Employability Project (GSDEP) which is funded by the Caribbean Development Bank in the form of a Loan Agreement and Grant Agreement.
Under the Enhanced Capacity for Instructional Effectiveness component of the loan, the project caters for professional development and diploma and degree level training for 188 teachers and instructors. The items handed over today value over eight hundred thousand dollars.
Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Mr. Alfred King said that through the CDB funded project the learning experience of the scholarship awardees will be enhanced in Barbados. He said that this will lead to enhanced competence and skills.
Deputy Chief Education Officer, Dr. Ritesh Tularam said today that the intention of issuing the equipment to the scholarship awardees is to ensure that it is utilized in a manner that will provide the new cutting edge technology and applied research which would ultimately propel the recipients to make a tangible and significant contribution to the Graphic Design and Photography Occupational areas in Guyana.
Dr. Tularam wished both of the recipients all the best on their academic journey and said that he is anticipating their timely return so that they can make a transformative, significant and meaningful contribution to the Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector. Also present at today’s handing over was Mr. Theron Siebs, GSDEP Project Coordinator and Mr. Leon Greaves, Education Officer on the GSDEP Project.