Investigation finds no negligence in national psychiatric hospital fire

Following the tragic fire at the National Psychiatric Hospital in June, Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony, said Thursday,  there is no evidence of negligence, abandonment of duty or inaction by the staff there.

The minister provided the information in a written response to questions posed by Opposition Member of Parliament, Geeta Chandan-Edmond during the 33rd sitting of the National Assembly.

Details stated that on June 5, a patient lit a mattress in Chalet Four, during a scuffle causing severe burns to 10 patients. Four patients were admitted to the New Amsterdam Hospital. Three received further care at the Georgetown Public Hospital burn unit. One patient, remained in the unit due to smoke inhalation, but later succumbed to his injuries on June 18.  

The health minister said based on the investigation report, the institution’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) were adhered to.

He said several measures are being put in place to prevent the recurrence of such incidence. Efforts are being made to beef up security with the installation of surveillance cameras, and the construction of a security hut to be stationed at the male ward.

Dr Anthony said that nonflammable ceiling materials, rubberised floor tiles and window grills among others were also suggested to improve the institution’s physical infrastructure.

“Work has started to arrange inpatient and outpatient services. Once patients have been stabilised, they can be discharged and followed up through outpatients clinics,” he added.

Minister of Health Dr Frank Anthony, MP

The minister reminded MP Chandan-Edmond, that the country’s current legislation governing psychiatric care is outdated and as such, there will be new legislations to govern psychiatric services.

In August, Minister Anthony had announced that $26 million will be used towards the restoration of the psychiatric hospital to improve the patients’ living conditions.

“We continue to work to expand the facilities there and to create better conditions for our patients, so this investment certainly would have helped to restore the building and put in some additional protection there,” he told DPI.

Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh, M.P, said in November, that government remains devoted to providing quality care to those with mental health challenges.

The regional mental health institution is the only one of its kind, which provides services to persons diagnosed with mental illnesses.