Lower Pomeroon farmers benefit from govt’s flood relief grant

Cash crop farmers of the Lower Pomeroon River, Region Two who were affected by the recent flood are the latest beneficiaries of the Government’s flood-relief cash grant at the weekend.

The distribution exercise was spearheaded by Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton, MP, in Marlborough, Dredge Creek Liberty, Hackney, and Jacklow. The minister was part of the Government’s Cabinet outreach in the Pomeroon-Supenaam Region.

Minister of Labour. Joseph Hamilton, MP, handing over the relief grant to a farmer in Jacklow

During his interaction with residents, Minister Hamilton said the flood relief grant forms part of the PPP/C Government’s responsibility to safeguard the wellbeing of all of the citizens of Guyana.

“We are not doing any great favour to you, this is our responsibility…some people call what we do handouts, we are not giving handouts we are giving service to the Guyanese people,” he said.

Minister Hamilton urged the farmers to utilise the money wisely and get back to farming in order to ensure food security within the region. He added that the government will continue to provide technical and other support to farmers where necessary.

Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton, MP. Handing over relief grant to a farmer

Ginette Rodrigues, was one the first to receive her grant at Hackney village. She expressed gratitude to the government for the much-needed support which will benefit hundreds of persons whose farmlands, yards and houses were flooded as a result of intense rainfall, coupled with high tides back in May.

“I just want to thank the President for this contribution towards our farm and it will make a great start for me for what I loss…it will help me a lot to start back in my farm,” she told DPI.

Meanwhile, Errol Stoll, a farmer of Jacklow said he suffered great losses during the floods. He was involved in the production of cassava, pears and banana sucker among other cash crops.

Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton, MP

“I feel very happy about it because it is a great assistance for me with my farm. I would like to say thanks very much to our President for this great help that he gave us the Jacklow people in the Pomeroon,” he said.

The flood relief grant adds to the $25,000 COVID-19 relief cash grant which was distributed to each household and the $19,000 ‘Because we care’ cash grant distributed to each child in the public-school system.

Further, President, Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali has announced three additional measures which will provide cash incentives totaling $2.6 billion to vulnerable groups including the elderly.